Rezension, erschienen in der September-Ausgabe des Newsletters der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft in England:
«This book (from the latest German edition) was written in response to the critical edition of Rudolf Steiner’s works begun by Christian Clement, Associate Professor at the Mormon Brigham Young University, Utah, USA. This highly controversial academic edition has been endorsed by the Rudolf Steiner Verlag – at least with the first volume – but though welcomed by some as offering possible recognition for anthroposophy in academia, has been largely criticised for its lack of understanding of spiritual science and misrepresentation of Steiner and his spiritual path. This Archiati sets out very clearly in three chapters, with some examples of gross misrepresentation. He asks us as readers to make our choice as to whether we want to treat Steiner like any author to be analysed, or whether we can accept that there is unlikely to be academic recognition which includes a true penetration and understanding of what a spiritual path involves. Thus he challenges us with his final chapter: “Does Anthroposophy Have a Future?” This is not just a problem for the German-speaking world – it is likely to have serious consequences for all who do not wish to see anthroposophy ‘watered down’. Archiati’s critique is highly recommended.»